Summary Two environmentally friendly cleaning brands, Method and Ecover, are capturing recycled sea waste and creating plastic containers with a unique brand narrative.This ForeSights report was compiled according to Canadean Consumer's ForeSights methodology which aims to identify new concepts that could influence consumer trends or have a future commercial application in consumer packaged goods. Synopsis - Consider emerging opportunities and threats in the consumer packaged goods market and gain insight into potential future consumer behavior. - Identify interesting new and emerging concepts, products, and ideas on offer in retail, foodservice, online spaces, and beyond. - Understand how new concepts and ideas fit in to - or challenge - current consumer trends. - Gain insight and inspiration for innovation programs and new product development. Reasons To Buy - What opportunities does recycled plastic sea waste present for the CPG industry? - What key challenges does recycled plastic sea waste pose to CPG manufacturers? - What does the concept of recycled plastic sea waste tell me about potential developments in sustainability in packaging? Key Highlights Recycling sea waste creates a compelling brand narrative to take to... Research Beam Model: Research Beam Product ID: 376923 400 USD New
ForeSights: Recycling Plastic Sea Waste

ForeSights: Recycling Plastic Sea Waste

  • Category : Consumer Goods
  • Published On : May   2013
  • Pages : 8
  • Publisher : Canadean
Two environmentally friendly cleaning brands, Method and Ecover, are capturing recycled sea waste and creating plastic containers with a unique brand narrative.This ForeSights report was compiled according to Canadean Consumer's ForeSights methodology which aims to identify new concepts that could influence consumer trends or have a future commercial application in consumer packaged goods.

- Consider emerging opportunities and threats in the consumer packaged goods market and gain insight into potential future consumer behavior.

- Identify interesting new and emerging concepts, products, and ideas on offer in retail, foodservice, online spaces, and beyond.

- Understand how new concepts and ideas fit in to - or challenge - current consumer trends.

- Gain insight and inspiration for innovation programs and new product development.

Reasons To Buy
- What opportunities does recycled plastic sea waste present for the CPG industry?

- What key challenges does recycled plastic sea waste pose to CPG manufacturers?

- What does the concept of recycled plastic sea waste tell me about potential developments in sustainability in packaging?

Key Highlights
Recycling sea waste creates a compelling brand narrative to take to consumers, allowing brand proprietors to own an environmental issue.

61% of global consumers agree that being made from recycled material is an important factor in packaging being environmentally friendly.
Table Of Contents

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