2015 Japan Sexually-Transmitted Disease (STD) Market Outlook and Emerging Opportunities

  • Category : Diagnostic and Biotech
  • Published On : January   2015
  • Pages : 280
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VPGMarketResearch.com is pleased to introduce a detailed analysis of the Japanese STD market, including sales forecasts and supplier shares for Chancroid, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes (I/II, VI), Papillomavirus (Pap Smear, HPV), and Syphilis. The report provides test volume and sales projections for Hospitals and Commercial/Private Labs.

To review or order this report, please click on the title:

"2015 Japan Sexually-Transmitted Disease (STD) Market Outlook and Emerging Opportunities"

In addition to market share and sales forecasts, the report:

- Examines market applications of Molecular Diagnostics, Monoclonal Antibodies, Immunoassays, IT and other emerging technologies;

- Reviews features and operating characteristics of major analyzers used for STD testing;

- Profiles key suppliers and potential market entrants developing innovative technologies and products; and

- Analyzes emerging opportunities, alternative market penetration strategies, market entry barriers/risks, and strategic planning issues.


The report is based on a combination of primary and secondary information sources, including interviews with laboratory directors, and executives of leading diagnostics companies and start-up firms developing innovative products.

In addition to primary sources of information, a comprehensive review of the most recent technical and business publications, manufacturer product and financial literature, as well as Venture Planning Group’s proprietary data files was conducted.

