Consumer Trends Analysis: Understanding Consumer Trends and Drivers of Behavior in the Russian Fragrances Market

  • Category : Consumer Goods
  • Published On : September   2014
  • Pages : 70
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Understanding Consumer Trends and Drivers of Behavior in the Russian Fragrances Market provides an overview of the market, analyzing market data, demographic consumption patterns within the category, and the key consumer trends driving consumption. The report highlights innovative new product development that effectively targets the most pertinent consumer need states, and offers strategic recommendations to capitalize on evolving consumer landscapes.

Key Findings
- The Russian Fragrance market, currently valued at RUB 81.2 billion, is forecast to register high growth over the next five years
- The market is dominated by the Female Fragrances category
- Men and Kids and Babies are more likely to under-consume, while women and Pre-Mid-Lifers are primarily over-consuming in the Russian Fragrance market
- Traditional stereotypes are changing and this causes a shift in consumers' consumption behavior. For example, men were seen as opting for a limited range of fragrances, if any; however, increasingly they look for differentiation and novel scents
- The shift of women's identity from being family-centered to be distributed between family, professional achievements, and personal hobbies, will be observed via both more sophisticated and complex feminine packaging, as well as packaging with masculine elements, such as straight lines and darker colors

Understanding Consumer Trends and Drivers of Behavior in the Russia Fragrances Market identifies the key demographic groups driving consumption, and what motivates their consumption. The report uses a unique method of quantifying consumer trends to highlight the degree of influence they have on consumption within the category. The report also identifies the most important trends within the market and shows whether beliefs over what influences consumer behavior within the category are accurate.
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- Key consumer demographic groups driving consumption within the Russian market. The figures identify whether these demographic groups "over" consume in the category (i.e. they account for a higher proportion of occasions than the proportion of society they represent overall).
- Market value and volumes over 2008-2018 for Russia and nine other countries to give a global context.
- The degree of influence that the 20 key consumer trends identified by Canadean have on Fragrances consumption volumes, with granular analysis on the extent that degree of influences varies between gender and age group.
- Identification of substitutes to Fragrances and how these alternatives are performing in the market.
- Insight into the implications behind the data, and analysis of how the needs of will evolve in the short-to-medium term future.
- Examples of international and India-specific product innovation targeting key consumer needs.

Reasons To Buy
This report brings together consumer analysis and market data to provide actionable insight into the behavior of Russia Fragrances consumers. This is based on Canadean's unique consumer data, developed from extensive consumption surveys and consumer group tracking, which quantifies the influence of 20 consumption motivations in the Fragrances sector. This allows product and marketing strategies to be better aligned with the leading trends in the market.

Table Of Contents
- Definitions
- Market context
- Demographic cohort consumption patterns
- Consumer trend analysis
- Innovation examples
- Recommended actions
- Appendix
List Of Table
List Of Figures
