Failure: Aquafina FlavorSplash - The importance of brand identity and accurate demographic targeting

  • Category : Food and Beverages
  • Published On : October   2015
  • Pages : 17
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The flavored water market has been characterized by significant dynamism over the last few years, with intense competition developing to meet consumers needs as they look for alternatives to, and migrate away from, carbonated and other less healthy soft drinks. This environment has encouraged all major players in water and soft drinks to explore opportunities within their line-ups, although this has met with varying degrees of success.

Key Findings
Consumers generally see bottled water as a healthy, pure product. Even as a zero calorie beverage, the appearance of Aquafina FlavorSplash marked it out as something "unnatural" in consumers suspicious eyes. Combined with the packaging redesign, this left consumers not knowing what the product really was or was trying to be.

A key lesson is the need to balance carefully between retaining the identity and focus that comes with an established brand, and attempts at reinvention. Rather than try to reinvent or line extend, it may be better to launch from a fresh start where brand identity can be more readily separated from the old product.

Understanding demographic trends is key in driving successful new launches in bottled water. Aquafinas re-launched FlavorSplash failed to connect with its target consumer base of teens and young adults.

Failure: Aquafina FlavorSplash is part of Canadeans Successes and Failures research. It examines the details of and reasons behind the failure of PepsiCos Aquafina FlavorSplash flavored sparkling water product.

It delivers the critical "what?", "why?", and "so what?" analysis to teach you crucial lessons that increase your chances of launching successful products.

Reasons To Buy
Use Canadeans selection of successful and failed product launches and marketing campaigns from across the globe to inspire innovation.

Reduce the risk of failure by learning from brands/products that have underperformed: failed innovation can severely impact profit and reputation.

Understand the relevant consumer trends and attitudes that drive and support innovation success so you can tap into what is really impacting the industry.

Gain a broader appreciation of the fast-moving consumer goods industry by gaining insights from both within and outside of your sector.

Access valuable strategic take-outs to help direct future decision-making and inform new product development.
Table Of Contents

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