ForeSights: Bee- and Pollinator-Friendly Foods

  • Category : Consumer Goods
  • Published On : August   2015
  • Pages : 14
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This ForeSights report was compiled according to Canadean's ForeSights methodology, which aims to identify new concepts that could influence consumer trends or have a future commercial application in fast-moving consumer goods.

- Consider emerging opportunities and threats in the fast-moving consumer goods market and gain insight into potential future consumer behavior.

- Identify interesting new and emerging concepts, products, and ideas on offer in retail, foodservice, online spaces, and beyond.

- Understand how new concepts and ideas fit into - or challenge - current consumer trends.

- Gain insight and inspiration for innovation programs and new product development.

Reasons To Buy
- The mass die-off of bee colonies began to be a concern in the 1990s. How has the issue evolved since that time?

- Evidence is mounting that a specific type of pesticide - neonicotinoids - damages bee health. How do neonicotinoids work and why might they harm bees?

- Retailers are starting to get caught up in the pollinator health issue. What are they doing to respond to the issue?

- Bees are crucial to the production of tree nuts like almonds. What specific steps are being taken to improve bee health in almond orchards?

- What actions are packaged goods firms taking to show they care about bees and other pollinators?

Key Highlights
The decline of bees and other pollinators is a growing global food production issue. A specific type of pesticide called neonicotinoids is believed to play a role in this. Fast-moving consumer goods manufacturers are responding by avoiding the use of pesticides in food production and spearheading efforts to restore or improve pollinator habitats.
Table Of Contents

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