Summary In February and March 2014, we surveyed 1,000 consumers in the US about their household and laundry care, and pet care product usage, level of spend, and purchasing behavior across a number of categories. Additionally, the survey questioned consumers about their top cleaning and laundry concerns. Data is presented in Excel format with the full question list, and response data by gender and age Synopsis - Use our data to conduct your own analysis of the household care, laundry care, and pet care categories in the US - Understand what consumers' household care and pet care purchasing habits are in the US according to age and gender - Gain insight into consumer engagement across the household care, laundry care, and pet care categories. Reasons To Buy - What are consumers key cleaning and laundry concerns? - How often do consumers use household care and laundry care products and how engaged are they in the category? - What is the profile of pet owners in the US? - How often do consumers use pet care products and what are their spending priorities? Key... Research Beam Model: Research Beam Product ID: 377229 995 USD New
2014 Consumer Survey Data United States of America - Household Care and Pet Care

2014 Consumer Survey Data United States of America - Household Care and Pet Care

  • Category : Consumer Goods
  • Published On : May   2014
  • Pages : 6
  • Publisher : Canadean
In February and March 2014, we surveyed 1,000 consumers in the US about their household and laundry care, and pet care product usage, level of spend, and purchasing behavior across a number of categories. Additionally, the survey questioned consumers about their top cleaning and laundry concerns. Data is presented in Excel format with the full question list, and response data by gender and age

- Use our data to conduct your own analysis of the household care, laundry care, and pet care categories in the US

- Understand what consumers' household care and pet care purchasing habits are in the US according to age and gender

- Gain insight into consumer engagement across the household care, laundry care, and pet care categories.

Reasons To Buy
- What are consumers key cleaning and laundry concerns?

- How often do consumers use household care and laundry care products and how engaged are they in the category?

- What is the profile of pet owners in the US?

- How often do consumers use pet care products and what are their spending priorities?

Key Highlights
Full list of questions asked about the household care, laundry care, and pet care categories in the Canadean 2014 Consumer Survey

Data provided in easy-to-use tables in Excel

Data provided by national average, gender, and age group
Table Of Contents

List Of Tables

List Of Figures

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